This is just a short post before I hit the Nyquil and go back into a cold coma for another 14 hours (hopefully), but after a quick check of the news I noticed something I thought that was worth mentioning. This is especially true considering my recent blog post about how it seems like everything is being machinated to make this election look closer than it might really be (read it here:
http://snurl.com/1wjst ).
The picture above is a screencap taken just moments ago of Google News. The headline reads, in part, "Obama Triumphs as Hillary falters." The story is that Obama came in first and Hillary bombed, coming in third place--but the footnote story here is that Edwards came in second, which I don't think anyone was expecting. So, wouldn't that be the bigger story? Why isn't Edwards even mentioned?
However, in line with the theory I put forward in my blog post (again:
http://snurl.com/1wjst ), to me this makes sense. Edwards, while not as outspoken as Kucinich on the more edgy issues, is the only person who's talking about poverty and (essentially) classism in America (his two Americas shtick comes to mind). So, the fact that he did really well, despite spending much less than his competition, coincidentally ends up not being the story.
Seriously--is it *that* big a surprise that Obama made it in first? Wasn't it kind of neck-and-neck between he and Hillary? Isn't the bigger story that Hillary did so badly and Edwards did so well? I'd say so.
To me it just seems like the media is, intentionally or not, trying to marginalize the guy who actually offers something dangerously different to the people of America. Edwards talks poverty while Hillary and Obama talk politics.
My post explains this theory in more detail, but this is an example of it in action. Whether it's intentional or not, it sure seems like the candidates who are more concerned with changing things at home (instead of keeping things as they are in the Middle East) are the ones who aren't getting airplay.
OK, now to hit that Nyquil!
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