Friday, February 29, 2008

Ohio Voter Mugging 2008

Just found a great story on how voters in Ohio will be using to document their experiences and problems voting:

Ohio Voter Mugging 2008: OEJC Announces Quarantine That Machine Initiative

During its Election Education Forum in Dayton, Ohio this month, the Ohio Election Justice Campaign unveiled its citizen action initiative, Quarantine That Machine, for use during Ohio's primary election this Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Developed by an Ohio pollworker for use by other pollworkers and voters, Quarantine That Machine is a simple-to-follow initiative. As explained by Paddy Shaffer, Director of the OEJC, "If the voting machine you use behaves in an illegal manner, it should be treated as part of a crime scene. The theft of your vote is a crime by the voting machine and its vendors against YOU. Treat it as such." Voters are also encouraged to report problems through the new mobile blogging community, Utterz. With utterz, voters can blog the machine problems immediately from their cell phone with audio, video, images, and text. Utterz provides a phone number for people to call in and "speak" a blog entry, which appears as an audio file. Voters are asked to tag their entry "Ohio Voter Mugging 2008" and to identify the scene of the crime.

Columbus, Ohio (PRWEB) February 29, 2008 -- During its Election Education Forum in Dayton, Ohio this month, the Ohio Election Justice Campaign (OEJC) unveiled its citizen action election initiative, Quarantine That Machine, for use during Ohio's primary election this Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Developed by an Ohio pollworker for use by other pollworkers and voters, Quarantine That Machine is a simple-to-follow initiative. As explained by Paddy Shaffer, Director of the OEJC, "If the voting machine you use behaves in an illegal manner, it should be treated as part of a crime scene. The theft of your vote is a crime by the voting machine and its vendors against YOU. Treat it as such."

As outlined by Ms. Shaffer, voters should watch for the following problems when voting on the touch screen machines:

1. Vote Hopping - This is when you vote for a candidate or an issue, and your vote visually hops and goes to another candidate or issue on the screen. We are generally told it is a calibration problem. For the voter, this means your vote is not recorded for who or what you intended. You have been robbed.

2. Paper Tape Does Not Match Your Vote - Please take the time to read the paper tape when you vote. The paper tape should correspond exactly with your vote on the touch-screen machines. This paper tape is called the Voter Verified Paper Trail (VVPT). In Ohio, the VVPT is your official ballot for an audit or recount.

Note: If you wear glasses, bring them as the paper tapes are hard to read. The typeface is small, and some tapes are printed very light.

The above problems are not "glitches." There are evidence of significant problems with the machine. As Project EVEREST, the state-sponsored study of the electronic voting machines demonstrated, the machines are extremely vulnerable to sabotage, whether accidental or intentional,…erest.aspx.

If either of these problems occur while voting, the voter should

1. Tell the poll worker what happened;

2. Inform the poll worker that the machine must be immediately pulled from use in the election;

3. Instruct the poll worker not to manipulate the machine in an effort to correct the problem; and

4. File a police report with local law enforcement. Remind law enforcement to record the serial number of the machine.

As explained by Ms. Shaffer, it is critical that the machine not be harmed or manipulated in any way. It needs to be in the "same condition" for any forensic investigation. In previous elections, pollworker response to these problems has ranged from inaction to shaking the machine, canceling the vote and suggesting a revote, or pushing the reset button. These actions do not correct the problem; in some cases they simply result in more lost votes.

Pollworkers, when informed of the above problems, should

1. Have the voter move away from the machine. Thank the voter for catching the discrepancy and explain what just happened.

2. Place an OUT OF ORDER sign on the machine. Treat the problem voting machine as evidence in a possible crime scene.

3. File a police report with independent law enforcement and notify the Board of Elections of the problem.

4. Restart the voter on another machine or on a paper ballot that will be counted, not a provisional ballot that "may" be counted.

As explained by Ms. Shaffer, "Poll workers are the public guardians of our elections. We are confident they will take the steps necessary to address these severe problems with the appropriate action. These machines should not be returned to local election officials but rather quarantined by independent investigative authorities."

All citizens are also encouraged to report the problems through the new mobile blogging community, Utterz. With utterz, voters can blog the machine problems immediately from their cell phone with audio, video, images, and text. Utterz provides a phone number for people to call in and "speak" a blog entry, which appears as an audio file.

Utterz provides a way for voters to immediately document their machine problems, share them with others, and create a public and transparent archive of voting machine problems. Please tag your entry "Ohio Voter Mugging 2008" and identify the scene of the crime. For more information on this blogging community and to join before the primary, visit

On December 17th, 2007, the OEJC met with Michael W. Deemer, Chief Deputy Attorney General for Government Affairs of the Ohio Attorney General's (AG) office, and two other legal staff members, informed them of the Quarantine That Machine program, and asked them to develop a plan for law enforcement to follow in implementing this program. As discussed during that meeting, Chapter 3599 of the Ohio Revised Code includes numerous provisions which would authorize such an action by either a poll worker or a voter since the above problems may represent a violation of this chapter.

For more information on the status of the Ohio AG's plan for the upcoming Ohio primary, contact Michael W. Deemer at (614) 728-5462;; Christopher Geidner, Counsel to the Attorney General, (614)-752-4332;; or Ben Espy, Executive Assistant Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice,

For more information on the OEJC or to donate: or

Ohio election justice videos by Jeff Kirkby, Vocab Video:

Video footage of meeting with AG during Funeral for Democracy by Bruce Duncanson, Redpeacecross Media:

Background info: "Ohio Holds Funeral on Anniversary of 2004 Elections,"…68067.html; "Lobbyists Hack Your Elections: The OEJC Calls for Voting Systems Recall, Return, and Refund,"…70544.html; "Thugs Gag Your Vote: OEJC Calls for Day of Silence on Sunday, January 6th, 2008,"…75189.html.

Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Backstage @ Obama Rally


-sent via mobile device

MeanRachel's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Political Support Badges, no thanks!

Badges? I don't WANT no stinkin' badges. Seriously. There are four candidates being offered on Utterz political support badges. No independents, no Libertarians, no alternatives but the same old tired donkey/elephant parade. NO thanks.

Rich Palmer's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Voice Your Support with Utterz Badges

Utterz invites you to tell the world who you support for President in your own voice. Put a Voice Your Support badge on your webpage and friends can listen to why you support your candidate.

Grab your badge and show your support!

Other New Features:

- Now, you can set the size of the picture that gets posted to your blog with your Utterz Connections. Select any size from 100 - 600 pixels. You can find it on the second page of your Connection setup.

- Don't forget you can post to your other sites selectively or all at once right from your mobile phone or online using Utterz Connections.

- Post and reply in any combination of voice, video, pictures and text using webcam, computer mic or your mobile phone.

Sim's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Thin Democracy?

Here & Now's Robin Young speaks with author and activist Frances Moore Lappe about democracy in the U.S. and about how citizens can and are changing the conversation. Lappe is the author of the bestseller, "Diet for a Small Planet," and she has a new book out titled "Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad."

WBUR's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

washingtonhotlist's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

A Profile of Hillary Clinton

Here & Now's Robin Young speaks with Michael Tomasky, editor of Guardian America. Tomasky's book on Hillary Clinton's first senate campaign is "Hillary's Turn: Inside Her Improbable, Victorious Senate Campaign."

WBUR's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crucial Campaign Week Ahead

Hillary Clinton meets Barack Obama in their final debate tonight before next week's crucial primaries. Political analysts Dan Payne and Todd Domke, both of whom write for The Boston Globe, join WBUR's Bob Oakes to preview the face-off and the campaign week to come.

WBUR's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Obama sign in front of house in Cincinnati Ohio.

BarbaraKB's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Obama Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio

Treo picture - if you squint, you can see Senator Obama. Secret service every where.

BarbaraKB's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Monday, February 25, 2008

Would Obama be any weaker on foreign policy?

Spinopsys's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Clinton's e-strategy lacks ownership

Jill Foster's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

washingtonhotlist's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Ralph Nader - Hero or Ego?

So Nader is running for President. We all know the controversy over his run in the 2000 election. He says it's about policy and dissatisfaction with either the Republicans or Democrats. But we have to ask this year...

Is Nader a hero for taking on issues or just an ego-maniac looking for more attention?

Sim's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Obama sign in front of house in Cincinnati Ohio.

BarbaraKB's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Friday, February 22, 2008

Missed Eclipse bloggin bout McCain's Girlfriend

Damn! I was blogging about the new John McCain Affair Scandal with a Telecom lobbyist and missed the eclipse. I've been trying to figure out if there is any connection between McCain, the alleged affair, the telecom votes he subsequently gave and more importantly his recent vote in favor of water boarding and 'telecom amnesty' in the fisa bill.

I should have put a web cam outside!…cain-more/…r-6-years/

brettbum's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Watching the debate

watching the debate and wondering what the hell makes Hillary think she can look so smug while getting her ass handed to her 9 times in a row. Talk about a willing "suspension of disbelief"

Yamagoo's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

McCain and the Lobbyist

Newsweek correspondent Holly Bailey speaks with Here & Now host Robin Young about the NY Times story concerning John McCain's relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. Bailey attended the press conference in which the GOP front-runner denied an improper relationship with Iseman.

WBUR's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Barack Obama Speaks Before 18,000 in Dallas

Obama & The Cult of Personality

Sooner or later, the Obama is God tour will come to an end, and people will actually begin to question what it is he actually stands for. In statistics, there is a phenomenon called "reversion to the mean" in which a variable or set of variables will coalesce around a pre-established average. Simply put, it's impossible for an entity to travel straight up or down in perpetuity. Obama, the variable in this case, is pushing this maxim to its limit. His trajectory has been near vertical since campaign liftoff. More and more people (Not Hillary Clinton people - they are clueless at the moment) are starting to look behind the mask to see what's actually there. And what you will find behind the mask is: A GLIB SOCIALIST. During his tenure as a U.S. Senator has established himself as America's MOST liberal Senator. Not a good thing if you believe in the principles on which America was founded: personal responsibility and individual initiative. It remains to be seen if this revelation will transpire BEFORE or AFTER the Obama's move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Occur, it will however, and when it does, the resultant fall from grace and consequent evisceration of Senator Change and Hope will not be pretty.

BottomLine's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Presidential Candidate John McCain's Girlfriend?


Sent from Jon's iPhone

jonathan silverman's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Presidential Candidate John McCain's Girlfriend?


Sent from Jon's iPhone

jonathan silverman's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

You Gotta Love The News Channels

I love how our news organization choose when to take speeches as a whole and when to pick it apart and use something for a sound bite.

darrenkeith3's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3


fave's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

The Michigan and Florida Question

I hope to write something a little more coherent about this, but I wanted to get my thoughts in order. I think it's too simplistic to say that Hillary should not get the Florida and Michigan votes because "rules are rules."

BradyDale's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Hawaii Democratic Caucus

Looking ahead to tonight's Hawaii Democratic Caucus. Hawaii has 20 delegates and 9 superdelegates in play.

hawaii's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Did Obama make a PMS Reference About Hillary?

Trying to ferret out some truth from rumor

I heard today that Barack Obama mentioned some things about Hillary Clinton and her mood swings in a way that was suggestive of PMS and that he was taking flak for it. (possibly on NPR)

I haven't been able to find anything today in the news coverage on it or at NPR. I'm curious if anyone else picked up on this or has any sources?

brettbum's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

The great divide

Race? Gender? Age? No it's Liberal and Conceritive. McCain isn't Conservitive, Hillary is too Liberal. In case we haven't noticed this isn't the three little bears.People need to get over this and move on! It's really kinda sad that Rush and Hannity can't move past this and would consider abonding all just to not vote for McCain. If you going to not vote for someone make it for a good reason

Markiemarc's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

The Obama Phenomenon

A commentary on the rise of Barack Obama as a U.S. Presidential candidate.

robsafuto's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Do the Clinton's Still Get it on?

Yamagoo's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Casting stones?

Does the person(s) someone sleeps with determine the content of their character?

*Robert's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why Obama took DC.

Free donuts!

This was taken at the polling station directly beside my office. Only Obama posters here. I didn't have the chance to send this on Not-as-Super Tuesday.

Better late than never, I hope!

AndyCaster's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.

Bush Would Make Million Man March Illegal

I almost missed this one but the National Park Service under the Bush Administration would like to make protests on the National Mall in Washington DC illegal.

They want to push people off to an out of the way location. This is a direct attack on free speech and if passed would prevent events such as those reminiscent of the Million Man March, protests over Vietnam and many more notable events dating back to the mid 1800's illegal.

Read More…s-act-now/


Contact your Congress Person…rson-tool/

brettbum's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Gary Hart on Super-Delegates

Here & Now's Robin Young speaks with the former senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart about the Democratic super-delegates and their role in the nominating process. Hart nearly won the 1984 presidential nomination, but Walter Mondale edged him out by getting more super-delegates.

WBUR's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3

FISA: Democrats Selling Us Out, AGAIN!

Yesterday the march towards the police state became stronger. Listen to this, then contact your representative at

The post with the links to other information is

Yobachi's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz Replies.  mp3