Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boston votes: An undecided swings right

As I head out of Boston's North End toward the river crossing into Cambridge, I run into a woman chatting to a companion about the election. "I still haven't made up my mind!"

I strike up a conversation with her. Why is she still undecided?

"I like McCain," she admits, "because he's inclusive, and experienced." Inclusiveness is a classic Obama strength, as experience is for Clinton -- that they blend in McCain is an interesting insight.

"But I worry about his age and his health," the voter adds. She remarks that without knowing McCain's running mate, she can't give him her full faith -- we don't know who we could end up with in the Oval Office.

I confess that she's my first leaning-Republican of the day. "I like Obama too," she responds, and notes that she expects to see a Clinton-Obama ticket. But she's no Hillary fan: Bill is a liability. "I don't know what influence his cronies will have on her."

And what about Massachusetts GOP front-runner Mitt Romney? "No," she says, "he didn't do much for this state."

So what will she do in the end?

"I'm pretty sure it's McCain." Whether he keeps her vote through November now depends on his choice for number two.

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