Sooner or later, the Obama is God tour will come to an end, and people will actually begin to question what it is he actually stands for. In statistics, there is a phenomenon called "reversion to the mean" in which a variable or set of variables will coalesce around a pre-established average. Simply put, it's impossible for an entity to travel straight up or down in perpetuity. Obama, the variable in this case, is pushing this maxim to its limit. His trajectory has been near vertical since campaign liftoff. More and more people (Not Hillary Clinton people - they are clueless at the moment) are starting to look behind the mask to see what's actually there. And what you will find behind the mask is: A GLIB SOCIALIST. During his tenure as a U.S. Senator has established himself as America's MOST liberal Senator. Not a good thing if you believe in the principles on which America was founded: personal responsibility and individual initiative. It remains to be seen if this revelation will transpire BEFORE or AFTER the Obama's move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Occur, it will however, and when it does, the resultant fall from grace and consequent evisceration of Senator Change and Hope will not be pretty.
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