This is probably Boston's swankiest polling place, and it may also be the most active one in town. Understandably so -- these booths reside in the basement of the Massachusetts State House. The surrounding neighborhood, Beacon Hill, houses much of Boston's upper crust. Sen. John Kerry himself votes in this room.
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed in to take pictures, but I can stand outside and watch suit-clad voters bustle in and out. As I pass by, several men discuss Sen. Barack Obama. I catch that one of them was a campaign worker for John F. Kennedy back in the day.
"It's the message... the hope," he declares, giving his reason for just having voted for Obama. He remembers a certain quality about President Kennedy that he feels is born again in the senator from Illinois.
With the multiple Kennedy endorsements driving Obama's sharp upswing in recent polls here, bets are that this man isn't the only one in Boston lured into the voting booth by the memory of JFK.
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