About the narrative: Monday I spent most of the day writing a blog post "Why, as a feminist, I'm Voting for Barack Obama." It was much more of an articulate piece than this audio recording of me trying to nail down the same issues has any hope of being, but Alas, Wordpress ate the post right as I was trying to save it. Following are the twitter posts that documented my great angst of this afternoon:
- "I just lost four hours of work on post about tomorrow's election because I was posting from an IP address Wordpress doesn't like. I give up." (a few minutes later...)
- "Actually, it was several weeks of work I just lost, counting research & previous drafts incorporated into this piece. Fuck you too Wordpress" (a few more minutes pass)
- "Between this & CMLP guide (http://snurl.com/1zh7a) arriving, this is a sign. Voting is good; writing is good; polemics in lieu of poetry=bad" (and a few more minutes...)
- "Feel oddly elated. You'll just have to trust me that as polemics go, the lost post was damn good, maybe even my best - just not meant to be!"
(See? That's how to get over losing hours of emotionally draining work in 15 minutes or less!)
... And I'm sticking with that theory, that it's just not time for me to be engaging in overtly political work - I have to get back to my REAL writing before I wither and die.
The photo is of my eight year old daughter Annalisa holding her Hillary for President sign this last Saturday, with me behind her holding my "Feminist for Obama" sign. It was important to me that Annalisa got to choose which candidate she wanted to support, even though her sister, her dad and me are all now supporting Obama (further story and more pictures here: http://tinyurl.com/3xf988)
vmarinelli's Mobile post sent by citmedia using Utterz.
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